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Required Equipment

For VFR-day Operations

Per 91.205(b):

OOil temperature gaugeFor each engine
MManifold pressure gauge
AAirspeed Indicator
TTemperature GaugeFor each liquid-cooled engine
OOil pressure gaugeFor each engine
FFuel gauge
LLanding gear position indicator
AAnti-collision light systemIf certified after March 11, 1996
MMagnetic Compass

For VFR-night Operations

Per 91.205(c):

FFusesOne spare set, or three fuses of each kind
LLanding lightIf flow for hire
AAnti-collision light system
PPosition lights
SSource of electrical powerUsually alternator or generator

For IFR Operations

In addition to the VFR equipment above, IFR operations also requires:

Per 91.205(d):

GGenerator or alternator (a source of power)
RRadio and navigation equipmentSuitable to the route flown
AAltimeter (sensitive)
BBallSlip/skid indicator
CClockDisplaying hours, minutes, and seconds with a sweep-second pointer or digital presentation
AAttitude Indicator (A.I.)
RRate-of-turn indicatorOften part of the turn coordinator*
DDirectional Gyro (Heading Indicator)

* Except for airplanes with a third attitude instrument system

Above 24,000 MSL

For flights at and above 24,000 ft. MSL (FL240) where you are using VORs as a primary means of navigation, you must also have a DME or RNAV system installed.*


* This applies to U.S.-registered civil aircraft within the 50 states and the District of Columbia.