Approaches Circling Approaches On this page
Circling Approaches
Circling approaches are used when an approach does not align with the runway of intended landing.
They can also be used when a descent to the runway from the MDA would require a high descent rate that wouldn't be safe
Circle-to-land Maneuver
Circling to land is a maneuver that should be performed with care as it is flown near the ground at approach airspeeds
Maneuver to the runway of intended landing at or above the circling MDA , maintaining visual contact with the airport or runway environment
Decent from the MDA can only be done when a landing is assured using a normal descent rate using normal maneuvers
The circling approach area provides protection from obstacles near the airport, and is defined by a radius from each runway end:
Before flying a circling approach, consider the speed of your aircraft and use the appropriate minimums for that category
The faster the aircraft the larger the approach radius, and thus the higher the minimums.
The following chart from the TPP defines the radii for the different categories:
The "negative C" symbol on the circling line indicates an expanded circling area has been established
AIM 5-4-20
Circling-only approaches
Circling only approaches are identified by the navigational system providing final approach guidance and a letter (e.g., VOR A), as opposed to a straight-in approach which will have the runway in the name (e.g. VOR/DME 13)
AIM 5-4-20