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Alternates are required if, within ± 1 hour of your ETA, ceilings are < 2000' or visibility is < 3 s.m., or your destination does not have an instrument approach.

Selecting an Alternate

  • If an alternate is required, they must be selected based on the following criteria:
    • For an airports with a precision approach, the weather must be better than:
      • > 600' ceiling, and
      • > 2 s.m. visibility
    • For an airports with a non-precision approach, the weather must be better than:
      • > 800' ceiling, and
      • > 2 s.m. visibility
    • If an airport contains a negative A on its approach plates, then it has non-standard alternate minimums.
      • Negative A symbol
    • In this case refer to the Alternate Minimums chart for the airport in the TPP:
      • Alternative minimums
    • If an airport does not have an instrument approach, it can be used as an alternate if:
      • A decent to landing can be made from the MEA to the airport in basic VFR conditions
    • If the chart contains a negative "A" followed by "NA", then that airport cannot be used as an alternate.
      • This may be because the airport does not have weather reporting

Forecasted Weather

Alternate While Flying

  • There is no requirement to fly to your filed alternate if a landing at the intended destination cannot be made.
  • You can fly an approach into any airport, provided the minimums are higher than the approach used

RNAV Approaches

  • When using WAAS at an alternate airport, flight planning must be based on flying the RNAV (GPS) LNAV or circling minima line, or minima on a GPS approach procedure
AIM 1-1-18.c